Details subject to change.
Our July celebration service is Bass Lake Day this year! Join us for church by the lake as we worship, celebrate the Lord’s Supper, have lunch, and enjoy all the beach and swimming you can handle.
The church will provide meat to BBQ (hotdogs & tri-tip); please bring a dessert or side to share and drinks for you and your family. Don't forget your swim gear (towels, chairs, floaties) and $10 cash for parking.
Site: Recreation Point - see map with directions here and below
Call Ryan Davis if you end up on the wrong path: 559-273-1105
want to get baptized?
If you are interested in getting baptized, let us know!
Please RSVP so we know how many folks to expect!
Note: Price for parking is the same as last year ($10), so carpooling together might be a good option to consider. There are however free places to park on the road if you don't mind walking a little ways too.